Agriculture Insurance

Providing the best policy to customers

Agriculture insurance protects farmers and agricultural businesses from losses caused by adverse weather, pests, diseases, and other risks impacting crops, livestock, or farming operations. It offers financial compensation to help farmers manage risks, maintain financial stability, and recover from unpredictable events

Requirements from farmers:

  1. Completed Proposal Form
  2. Filled veterinary health certificate (for livestock and poultry insurance)
  3. At least three (3) Years of Actual Production History
  4. Valuation Report (for tree plantation insurance)
  5. Adherence to good agricultural practices
  6. Good record keeping

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Basis of claim settlement for agriculture insurance

Claims for agriculture insurance are settled based on the specific nature of the cover.

All claims undergo inspections, surveys, or data verification, and deductibles or policy exclusions are applied before final settlement.

of Work




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